I will be starting a BS club….that is Big Shot Club! This is a club that will buy the big shot over a period of months. You will also receive 1-21.95 die, 1-19.95 die, 1- embossing folder 7.95 and as a gift I will give you a 4.95 sizzlet. This adds up to $150. You will also receive hostess benefits and hostess dollars when it’s your month to be hostess. If three of you sign up, it will be $50 for 3 months. At the end of the 3 months, all of you will receive your Big Shot! This is a great way to put you on a budget but receive this incredible machine. I would like 3 or more to participate in this club.
Then we will have BS Gathering. This will be where you bring your Big Shots to my house and make three projects every third Friday of the month. The class will be from7-9 PM and pricing is $5 for those who bought a Big Shot from me, an advantage of buying from me and $12 if you purchased from somewhere else or you don’t have one. All of you will start a binder ring and each time you come you will cut another material to add to you ring so you have a visual reminder of all the things the BS can cut.
Can you tell I am excited!
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