I have so much to be thankful for!

by ktstamps, 5:19 PM
At most Starbuck stores, you see employees were pins on their aprons. These pins are giving by their peers for a job well done. Our store, didn’t wear their pins. So…one day I decided to ask all the employees to wear their pins. OMG! We have employees who have worked for Starbucks for over 7 years! It has been amazing see the pins they have all earned. We have had lots of customers ask about the pins. I feel it has really brightened up our store.
To my amazement, I received a MUG award on Friday. A MUG award is given to a partner for “Moves of Uncommon Greatness” that help them achieve their goals. It’s a way to say thank you for helping out and I couldn’t have done it without you! This is a picture of my FIRST pin on my apron! (Yes, I showed it off to everyone! I was very proud and shocked I received this award.)
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