Off to St. Petersburg, Russia. We did a tour of the Hermitage Museum. What an incredible place. Katherine, The Great, was a pretty right on woman. Thinking ahead of how she can preserve her beloved living quarters and her wonderful country! I can’t believe how much gold and precious stones were used during that time! As you can see by the pictures, she knew how to live!
Our second day in Russia, we did a walking tour. Lots of parks make up this beautiful city! The architect was so beautiful…I am in love with old cities. It is divided by lots of water. They were celebration "White Nights" when we visited. This is when the day is about 22 hours of light. The people of Russia say this is the most romantic part of the year and they stay up all night drinking, dancing, and kissing! :)
The weather in Russia was overcast. I was bummed.
Everyday, I came back to the room and read Harry! I think that JK Rowling is an incredible writer. People on the boat are asking if they can have the book to read.
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