by ktstamps, 10:00 AM
Again, I have great pictures...sorry I can't use all of them. Had a blast, what a great city! Did the site seeing tour and then did two walking tours.
Our first tour was the ghosts of London. We walked around
London for 3 hours learning about the ghost. You also go to
3 pubs and have a drink...a quiet one!
The next day we did the Royal tour! We got to see the Changing
of the Guards. The Jamaican Royal army was retiring...
...the Irish was taking their post
You can see that the streets we so full, everyone was
out for this special occasion. The picture below is Buckingham
Palace. (We think we got to the the Prince coming out of his
place of living.) :)
This is the area where the leaders will hit each others fist,
then the gaurds have Changed!
It was so wonderful. I haven't ever had the oportunity to see
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